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Image by Guillaume Bassem

EPA Guidelines

  • The EPA has issued a general permit under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) to authorize the burial of human remains at sea. The general permit is published in the federal regulations at 40 CFR 229.1.

  • Cremated remains shall be buried in or on ocean waters of any depth and such burial takes place at least three nautical miles from land.

  • Decomposable flowers and wreaths can be placed at the burial site. Plastic flowers or synthetic wreaths must be avoided.

  • The EPA must be notified of the burial at sea within 30 days following the event. 

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Burial At Sea, -

Ocean Burial,-

Ocean Funeral

Calm Sea
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Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Capt. Joe DePalma

Tel:  (516) 382-2870


Oceanside, NY 11572, USA

To fill out an inquiry form, CLICK HERE.

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